What is an SMS?

An SMS (Short Message Service) is a text message that can be sent between mobile phones. SMS messages have been around since the early days of mobile phones and are still widely used since they don't rely on a data connection. All that is needed is a SIM card and mobile signal reception.

While most messages are sent between people, the number of messages sent by applications (application-to-peer, A2P) is growing at around 4% each year. This includes messages such as activation codes, 2-step verification codes, parcel delivery alerts, appointment confirmations, etc.

What is the purpose of this website?

The purpose of this website is to make it possible for people to receive SMS messages at phone numbers in countries other than the one of their normal mobile phone carrier.

This is useful in various situations, such as registering at sites that require a mobile phone number from a specific country, receiving "one-off" text messages such as activation and verification codes, testing purposes and other circumstances where you might not want to give out your real mobile phone number to prevent spam etc.

Can I use this website to send SMS messages?

No, this service is currently only for receiving SMS messages. The name of the website kind of gives that away :)

What does it cost to use this website?

Nothing, it's free! :)